Atlas is an ongoing series of music based on the origins of the universe and life within it.

Atlas began with Atlas: I - 30 songs inspired by the origins of the universe (exploring the themes of Darkness, Light, Space, Land & Oceans)

Now complete, Atlas: II - 25 songs inspired by involuntary human development (exploring the themes of Life, Senses, Emotions, Intelligence & The Enneagram of Personality)

Currently underway, Atlas: III - 25+ songs inspired by voluntary human development (exploring what we DO with all that we are given)

Subscribe to Atlas: III for FREE here!


[1] Overture II

[2] Life

[3] Son

[4] Daughter

[5] Touch

[6] Taste

[7] Smell

[8] Hearing

[9] Sight

[10] Joy

[11] Sorrow

[12] Anger

[13] Fear

[14] Body

[15] Heart

[16] Mind

[17] One

[18] Two

[19] Three

[20] Four

[21] Five

[22] Six

[23] Seven

[24] Eight

[25] Nine

To help navigate the 25 songs of Atlas: II, we made a map (above)! Each song is represented by a number/shape.












Click here to read a more in-depth description of the themes explored within Atlas: II.

How It Was Made

Click on the songs below to read about what inspired each of the Atlas: II songs.