Hello there! Just a SUPER quick note to wish you and yours an absolutely beautiful and restful Easter Weekend!
I also wanted to let you know that we're having a 24-hour Easter Sale in the Sleeping At Last store! 20% off ALL CLOTHING! Shirts, Onesies, you name it.
Browse the store here, and enter in the code EASTEREGG when you check out!
(Sale ends at 12:01 CST AM on April 1st!)
I'm working away on the next Atlas EP, "Light" - lots of news and info coming soon! Happy Easter, guys!
Much love, Ryan - Sleeping At Last
p.s. here's a list of things i love right now:
1. orange tic tacs (i don't like any other tic tac flavor... but orange is something else. i treat 'em as if they are candy rather than mints. so. what.) 2. justin timberlake on SNL (some celebrities are just masters of their craft. jt is an all around master entertainer... his latest snl appearance is no exception. so. funny.) 3. gesundheit! (such a fun and beautifully drawn/designed puzzle game on iOS) 4. arrested development (seen it probably 3 times through. rewatched a few episodes recently to prep for the new season, and goodness.. i think it's my favorite tv comedy show of all time. it's flawless.)