"Atlas: Year Two" Pre-Sale!

Dear Friends,

I am SO thrilled to tell you that ATLAS: YEAR TWO is coming soon!!

Atlas: Year Two will include 24 brand-new songs that will release individually as Singles over the course of the project. Subscribe to Atlas: Year Two and you'll receive each of the 24 songs via email (digital download), as they become available. Atlas: Year Two begins this Spring!

A special PRE-ORDER begins Today!! Subscribe now and get Atlas: Year Two for only $10 (50% OFF reg. price!) This is a one-time-only price for our wonderful early Subscribers! Sale ends on 2/25/2015.


Ahhhhh, I can't wait to share these new songs with you!! Thanks in advance for being a part of Year Twoof my ongoing Atlas series!

Much Love, Ryan - Sleeping At Last

  1. Happy Valley (a bbc/netflix tv show that is seriously incredible.) 2. Fancy Hands (been trying this out lately and LOVE it. + that link gets 50% off your 1st month!) 3. King of Thieves (my latest ios game obsession. help me.) 4. Jimmy Kimmel's "Mean Tweets" (celerities read real, mean tweets about themselves.)