Online Event - TODAY!

Happy Humanitarian Day!

So excited to tell you about a rad event that is happening TODAY!! At 1pm-4pm PST, the incredible Kid President, Soulpancake and the United Nations are hosting an online event, celebrating World Humanitarian Day!

Alongside Kid President, Rainn Wilson, Scott Harrsion (charity: water), Jeremy Cowart, Paulo Coelho, Amitabh Bachchan & more, I received the honor of contributing to this beautiful online event!

I get play my song "Emphasis" as well as interview one of my favorite people ever, Scott Harison (founder of charity: water) to talk about the incredible things his organiation, charity: water is doing to make our world a healthier, happier and more beautiful place!

Please tune in today (monday) at 1-4pm Pacific Time and tell your friends!

Click HERE to check it all out!

Can't wait to hang!!

Much Love, Ryan - Sleeping At Last